Learning anatomy

What is your opinion about this activity? I came it across while enjoying Facebook. I think this is a very interesting and motivating activity to teach our children how our body works. Furthermore, It is important to highlight that one of our Primary Education objective deals with the body, hygienic habits… You can carry out this activity in a Science lesson, but why not promoting collaboration among teachers (or perhaps you are developing CLIL program in your school) and carrying out this activity in an English lesson?

Let’s see the video. Sometimes imagination is much more important than the money spent in resources.




The use of songs in the classroom is a key element to break the classroom routine or to avoid boredom. They can be introduced as a brainstorming activity, as a class activity or to close a session. Although there is a lot of types of songs for children, Disney’s songs are high valuable for lessons as children know the lyrics and have previously seen and understood the film in their mother tongue. They are a good resource to develop the linguistic competence as they will include words, phrases…. of the song in their repertoires.

Here is an example:

The difficulties of learning a language

Hi friends,

Today we want to talk about the difficulties when learning a new language.

It is believed that learning a great number of words is important to develop your skills and, in fact, that’s it. Nonentheless it is adviseable to learn words in different contexts instead of learning word by word in isolation. Putting vocabulary and expressions into practice will make us remember them better and be richer in vocabulary.

Another vital aspect is what I called “PPP” (practice-practice-practice). Try to speak and listen the language at least 30 minutes each day. It helps with pronounciation and fixed structures.

Reading newspapers in the language you are learning makes you gain vocabulary, expressions and fixed structures that you can put into practice when speaking.

Furthermore, you can write short extracts of writing to practice it such as a shooping list, your timetable….

Every language has its particularity and you have to be able to deal with them if you really want to learn it.

That’s all folk!.


The importance of being sympathetic


Today I would like to talk about our pupils’ feelings.

Sometimes we are so worried about their marks that we forget that they are only children who have needs and interests. That is why not only does the teacher need to focus on the teaching function but also on their needs.

Searching the web, an interesting article pop me up. This reflects the importance of taking our children feelings into account.

Let’s see!
